Solar Arc Directions
Solar Arc Directions is a method to predict major life events. It functions like a transit chart, but the only difference is that you use your own birth planets as transits. For each year, the planets are moved 1 degree, in other words the solar arc planets move at the speed of the Progressed Sun. With this technique the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) will be useful since they move, which does not happen in the progressed chart.
The axis are the most important points for predictions within this technique.
When a planet or a point is conjunct with an exact degree to an Angle, it means the energy of that planet will manifest within that area of life in the upcoming year.
This means that if a planet or point is conjunct within 2 degrees to a certain point, the event will take place in 2 years.
Aspects matter too, if a Solar Arc planet is making an aspect to one of your Angles or your Natal planets, it also means that something important or a change will happen.
Conjunctions are the strongest aspect to look for.
Usually an event starts to manifest when it’s in an applying aspect of 1 degree.
Conjunctions = Once in a lifetime event
When a Planet aspects any of the angles they tend to manifest as visible events.
This technique only uses the ”square family” as they will make things happen :
• Conjunction, semisquare, square, sesquiquadrate, and opposition.
• Conjunctions tend to leave things as they are.
1°00′ = 1 year
0°05′= 1 month
Predicting an important event with solar arc uses the orb that separates an Arc planet form a Natal planet or angle.
The degrees are read as years.
Example :
Solar Arc DSC in applying conjunction to Natal Venus with an orb of 2 Degrees,
means an important development within love matters will happen in 2 years from now.
Planet or angle changing sign
Whenever a planet changes sign, signifies a major event. But before it changes sign, the planet or angle is found at 29°,
This means a year of crisis, intensity and heightened energy. It’s the preparation for a new chapter where thing may come to a culmination. Whatever that planet signifies and rules in your chart, is the area of life where crisis is likely to occur, but this also applies to the basic core meaning of the planet in question. For example : Solar Arc Venus at 29° signifies a year of challenge related to money, self-esteem, possessions, relationships, social endeavors.. But if Venus happens to ruler your 10th house, it will be connected to authority, career, direction of life, older people,…
Once the 29th degree period is over, a new chapter is ready to begin for the next 30 years. The planet takes on the traits of the sign it moves into, for example a planet moving into Sagittarius will become more adventurous, optimistic and curious for truth and exploration. A planet moving into Capricorn will become more determined and goal oriented. One may work harder than the prior years.
A planet or angle is also considered changing when it crosses over a house cusp, even when that occurs in the same sign, whatever touches a cusp has heightened importance. It entails both an ending and culmination point.
Meaning of the planets (arc)
Sun : Acts as illumination, development of identity
Moon : Shift in emotional needs
Mercury : Development of an idea
Venus : Development of love
Mars : Determination
Jupiter : Rewards and opportunities
Saturn : Ambition, hardship, maturity
Uranus : Change of status, innovative change, individualism
Neptune : Inspiration, confusion, ego wipe-out
Pluto : Empowerment, rebirth, death
NN/SN : Important connections
Meaning of the signs
Aries : Assertiveness, act, initiate, leading, achievement, new beginning, the self
Taurus : Patience, determination, security, stubborn, stability, comfort, inflexible
Gemini : Communicate, curious, lighthearted, learning, distinguish
Cancer : Intuition, sensitivity, security, home, family, possessive, melodrama
Leo : Creativity, outgoing, optimism, recognition, ambition, generosity
Virgo : Service, health, routine, habit, worrisome, practical, analytical
Libra : Compromise, cooperation, indecisive, relationships, strategy, social
Scorpio : Intensity, transformation, secretive, passion, finances, self-reliance
Sagittarius : Education, exploration, knowledge, adventure, enlightenment, growth
Capricorn : Ambition, steady, status, leader, achievement, authority, reserved
Aquarius : Network, independence, community, hopes, goals, change, uniqueness
Pisces : Compassion, intuition, (mental) health, sympathy, spiritual, enabling
The houses cover the areas of life…
1st house : the self, body, overall health, new beginning, actions, decisions
2nd house : Income, stability, resources, your values, the senses
3rd house : Transport, study, communication, siblings, news, learning, neighbors
4th house : Home, family, ancestors, memories, inner foundation, domestic affairs, relocation
5th house : Children, creativity, the heart, romance, speculation, sport, hobby, affairs
6th house : Routine, health, service, responsibility, pets, daily work, obedience
7th house : Partners, relationship, cooperation, the public, official dealings, social matters, enemies
8th house : Shared resources, inheritance, insurance, sex, trauma, psyche, fears, transformation
9th house : Travel, education, knowledge, philosophy, publishing, promotion, foreign matters
10th house : Career, direction of life, ambition, authority, fame, status, recognition
11th house : Friends, community, humanitarian, network, activism
12th house : Endings, charity, institution, secrets, mental health, subconscious, dreams, intuition
If the SA Pluto is conjunct Venus, it translates as transformation, crisis (Pluto) in a challenge (conjunction) to love and money (Venus). However, it’s advised to also look at what houses these planets rule, as this will add more insight.
If the Natal Venus is the ruler of the 7th house, it indicates that the partner or business partnerships are involved and will undergo a transformation. Let’s say Pluto is the ruler of the ASC, than it means the native undertakes a specific action in which something transforms or changes in their relationship(s). Health matters could come into play as the first house also shows one’s physical vitality.
If a specific aspect is exact in the Solar Arc, it means the event will manifest within the same year. Depending on the amount of minutes, it will give you insight into how many months ahead. It’s advised to also check other charts for the same theme before stating a predictive judgement.
• Progressions
• Solar Return
• Profections
• Transits
Relationship aspects
• SA Venus – Sun = a lover
• SA Lilith – Venus = sexual attraction, vulnerability, enchanted
• SA DSC – Neptune = confusion, sacrificial
• SA Northnode – DSC = karmic lover, fated
• SA Venus – Pluto = fated romance, lover of life
• SA Moon – DSC = change of direction, new beginning
• SA Uranus – Sun = unusual partner, sudden
• SA Mercury – Mars = partner, younger person
• SA DSC – Venus = a partner
• SA Mars – Venus = merging, union, a lover
• SA Venus changing sign = change in direction, new love, new chapter

In this chart:
• SA NorthNode is conjunct to the Natal MC, which indicates a fated meeting in the upcoming year
• SA Venus & Jupiter conjunct Natal Pluto, a deep transformative event, with a love partner
• SA Moon is conjunct with a 2 degree difference to the Natal DSC, a powerful and emotional event will take place within 2 years that deals with partnership and marriage
• SA Sun entering Natal 9th house indicates long distant journeys in the upcoming year
Solar Arc is personal, so certain aspects will manifest differently in everyone’s chart, however often similar themes or areas in life that are affected. Always consider in what houses the aspects take place and what house rulers are involved, as this will show where the aspect will create events. For example : SA Moon (12th ruler) square Neptune (in 5th house) shows a spiritual and confusing romance. The examples that i will list down, are real life examples.
Take note that often only the hard aspects will create and actual outward event ; Conjunction, square, opposition
SA Venus conjunct Pluto : Important relationship that changed & transformed the native’s life
SA Moon conjunct DSC : Change in emotional needs in relationships, change/break of relationship
SA Sun trine Lilith : Taking back own personality, daring, courageous and determined
SA NorthNode conjunct MC : Meeting important people, finding life’s direction
SA Uranus square Mars : Suddenly meeting a new sexual interest/partner
SA Sun conjunct Jupiter : Meeting foreign person, becoming more optimistic, gaining hope
SA Venus sextile NorthNode : Karmic romance
SA Moon square Neptune : Intense emotional encounter
If you want to know more about your lovelife, it’s best to work with the natal ruler of your 7th house.
For example, if your 7th house is in Scorpio, you can look at both Pluto and Mars. To see whats currently going on or what’s about to happen, check if your natal 7th house ruler is receiving any square, opposition or conjunction aspect of less than 1 degree. If for example Solar Arc Venus is squaring your 7th ruler, it shows development in love matters, a relationship could start under this influence. And Pluto (in this example) shows the flavor of the relationship, which will be highly transformative and intense. It’s a natal promise for the native with the 7th house in Scorpio.
Whatever Solar Arc planet is conjunct to your DSC, shows change and development. Always check what house that planet rulers over and it will give deeper insight into the event. For example, if SA Moon is conjunct DSC, it shows change of emotional needs in a relationship, but if let’s say the Moon is also the ruler of the 4th house, it could indicate a move with a partner, moving in. Matter of the home environment, residence come at play within the year of exact conjunction.
Moon is an easier planet than Mars or Saturn in this case, however the Moon also brings fluctuations.
If SA Saturn is conjunct the DSC it can either manifest in a serious and committed relationship entering your life, or it could manifest as difficulties in partnership which cause hardship. If Saturn is the ruler of your DSC, it’s more inclined to show that it’s a partner entering your life, if Saturn is the ruler of your 12th house it’s more likely that it’s a year of loss and hardship, so always consider the house rulerships too.