These asteroids can shine some more light onto the connection you have with certain special people in your life. You can use these in your Synastry comparison for better understanding. has a section where you can enter the numbers of the asteroids you want to check.
Conjunctions are the strongest aspect, other aspects are rather weak for the interpretation of asteroids.
These asteroids must touch an inner planet in order to consider it’s powers effective and more pronounced. I’d suggest a tight orb between 0-3 degrees. (Asteroids don’t carry as much “power” as inner planets do, that’s why the orbs must be tight to trigger a reaction from the two.)
Aphrodite (1388) | Rules many similar domains as Venus: sex, love, beauty, romance, connection, friendships, femininity, beauty, home, art, assets. Natural appreciation. “I simply love the way you are” |
Aura (1488) | An intuitive connection or strongly in tune with each other especially when conjunct the Moon or ASC “I can totally feel you, you delve under my skin and i don’t know why.. i ask that question everyday but still can’t understand, but in your presence i’m complete” |
Angel (11911) | Feeling saved, feels like a gift. natural appreciation. “You’re my light. I will always help you, because i can’t do otherwise. I’ll always be there for you. It’s not an obligation, it’s my own intention and wish” |
Akashi (5881) | A part of your book of memories, something you can feel but cannot explain. “I remember you. You did something back then that i cannot forget. do you feel that too?” |
Alma (390) | Asteroid of the soul. If Alma touches a personal planet it signifies someone who sees their other half in you, wanting to know you on a deeper level, into your soul. “Your soul is united with mine, no matter what we do here on earth, it’s just a lesson, our connection is deep and sacred from above.” |
Amor (1221) | Expresses a loving kindness that is given without judgment or expectation of return. “I love you so deeply unconditionally” |
Agapenor (5023) | Simple appreciation, as if it has always been that way. A part of the same energy. “I love you just for who you are, you don’t need to change, it doesn’t matter. We share that bond that will last forever even if we part..” |
Ceres (1) | Asteroid of nurture and care. It also shows unconditional love, parenting-like love. “I love you like we’re family, connected in ways nobody can take from us” |
Companion (8490) | They want to be around you 24/7 “I adore being around you” |
Cupido (763) | Radiates love, the look of love, infatuated with you, struck by cupid’s arrow. “I’m swept off my feet since i first saw you, you infatuate me” |
Child (4580) | Asteroid of the inner child. Pure, untouched, unfiltered, raw, and innocent love. “I simply love you for you, you don’t need to do anything special to make me like you the way you are” |
DNA (55555) | Something very similar, i know who you are, we are alike. You cannot do anything to make me question that. Tends to stay together for a very long time (when tightly conjunct to an angle or Sun, Moon) “You are me, i recognize myself in you, feels like we’re made of the same thing” |
Destinn (6583) | Feeling a strong connection, fate or destiny like. “It’s like we’re meant to be together. We part, we go our own ways, but somehow destiny always puts us on the one road again” |
Devine (3561) | A union that feels out of this world, there is something magical about it. “There is a bond between us – something of a higher purpose or something. It’s not describable in earthly themes, anyway” |
Eureka (Greek) (5261) | Can feel like a sudden shock or a moment of clarity. Feels like things fall into place as if you had been waiting for this person. “I finally found you! You’re the answer to my prayers” |
Eros(433) | Asteroid of erotic feelings, indication of sexual attraction at first sight of touching your rising. “You arouse me in ways i havn’t felt before, there is something deeply sensual about you” |
Hypnos (Greek) (14827) | Something mysterious between you two, a mystical and psychic link which as i believe, also does not begin in this lifetime, but way longer time ago. “I sense you, i know what you think or when you think about me. i intuitively know you” |
Hehe(harmony) (200002) | This is the name of Suzhou Hehe Culture Foundation. “Hehe” is a traditional Chinese symbol representing good marriage and loving family. It symbolizes the goodwill of ordinary people to live peacefully and healthy. “You bring harmony into my life simply by who you are” |
Juno (3) | Asteroid of marriage, seeing the other person as their spouse, their closest lover. A spouse as in staying with the person through thick and thin. “I desire to commit to you, with you commitment becomes so easily. i devote myself to you” |
Knight (29391) | Will defend you, won’t betray you, shows complete, submissive loyalty. “I’ll fight for your wellbeing, i want you to feel safe” |
Karma (3811) | There’s a meaning for this relationship, rooted in the past, but it could just show the natural understanding of that, that it feels karmic, but not necessarily shows anything particular, like other asteroids would indicate.Destined to meet due to karmic dues in a past-life, unfinished business. “I know i have to be with you now, it’s something i feel deep down, we have a duty to fulfill together” |
Loving (432971) | Asteroid of loving emotions. Great for synastry and composite charts. “I love you” |
Lust (4386) | Similar to Eros, but a stronger “want” and desire. Can cause a great sexual awakening. “You spark something unique within me, there is an unknown sense of desire to merge with you, make love with you” |
Lyubimets (10761) | Means “darling” in Russian. Look up this one in synastries with people, who are dear to you. “You’re my baby” |
Psyche (16) | Unconscious attraction to the other person, feeling like you’ve known them from somewhere. “I sense you, i love you unconditionally” |
Pholus (5145) | Asteroid of changing events, life changing, a relationship that changes you and/or your life, the turning point. “You’ve changed the way i go about life, your impact is powerful” |
Priapus (h22) | Physical and superficial attraction, wanting to be or identify as something. Shallow and superficial. “I want to f*ck you mindless” |
Reiki (5239) | Creates a healing connection. “Your presence alone is able to heal my wounds, you helped me in the past, you continue doing it now..” |
Spirit (37452) | Enlightenment. “You raise me up. i can do pretty much anything when you’re around. I believe in myself more, and that’s why i like you. For what you make me feel when we’re together” |
Svyaztie (37556) | “tie” in English and “Svyaz” in Russian mean “Connection” “I feel connected to you” |
Valentine- (447) | Asteroid of pure love. Valentine is the kind of sacrificial love in which the lover will throw himself in front of the bus to protect his beloved. “I love you the way you are, simple and naturally” |
Union (1585) | Marriage, a desire to commit or commitment comes naturally. “I feel one, i feel inner union when with you” |

Asteroid pairs
Psyche (16) + Eros (433)
Isis (42) + Osiris (1923)
Eva (164) + Adam (6461)
Hera (103) + Zeus (5731)
Queen (5457) + King (2305)
Ask (4894) + Embla (4895)
Tristan (1966) + Isolda (211)
Akhenaten (326290) + Echnaton (4415)
Pluto + (399) Persephone / Persephone (26)
Saturn + Rhea (577)
Uranus + Gaea (1184)
Neptune + Salacia (120347)
Negative pairs (abusive, unhealthy)
Adams (1996) + Lilith (1181)
Epimetheus (1810) + Pandora (55)
Hephaistos (2212) +Venus/Aphrodite (1388)
Ixion (28978) + Nephlele (431)
Jason (6063) + Medea (212)
Narcissus (37117) + Echo (60)
Nessus (7066) + Dejanira (157)
Philomela (196) + Thereus (32532)
Thereus (32532) + Ariadne (43)
You can find more information on the few most commonly used asteroids in astrology here .