Lilith Return
It takes Lilith 9 years to travel around the zodiac, which means we all experience a Lilith return every 9 years.
It’s either people who are afraid to look into her dark & wild nature, or she is deeply underrated. Therefor very little information is to be found online regards having a Lilith return. She caught my eye when i realized she is transiting close to my natal position (May 2020) and I’m sure I will be writing out of own experience on this one, to shine more light onto this topic. My point is to be brutally honest here, i don’t sugar coat anything. I want to serve the reader a portion of reality, giving examples from my own life, whether its shameful or not. (just a little disclaimer)
Lilith in mythology
She was the first wife of Adam. When her sexual needs were neglected by Adam as he also forced her to have sex the way he desired it, she began to rebel. Things got out of hand, resulting into Lilith wanting to kill him and his children. Short and simple. Lilith is the strong independent woman who reclaims her power when it’s taken away from her. I personally view her as an alpha female. She is the dark and vulnerable side of us which we’re often unaware of, but only awakes in times of personal crisis and when we feel mistreated.
Meaning of Lilith
• Our dark side & shadow self (Priapus)
• Raw feminine sexual energy
• Rebellious & Vengeful self
• Situations you may attract of sexual nature
• Heightened sensitivity, psychic ability
• 6th sense, intuitive channel
• Causes frustration & irritation
• Area of challenge & testing
Lilith in the birthchart
The natal house and sign placement is of big importance, as well as the aspects she receives in the birth chart. This is how you can understand and see what her role is within your own life. That’s where you need to start first. Lilith also connects to pregnancies for she spends about 9 months in each sign and takes about 9 years to travel through the whole zodiac wheel.
I have written about her before and suggest you to take a look first into what the meaning is of her placement in your chart :
• Lilith in Sings, houses & aspect
• Lilith in the signs from sexual perspective
• ‘Dark’ sexual side of Lilith
What to consider in the Lilith return
1) In what house is Lilith located = Area of expression, focus, challenge & strength
2) Where is the ruler of the house placed = How/where you deal with the frustration
3) Where is the ruler of your Lilith’s sign placed = Area of frustration and strength
4) What’s the dignity of the ruler = Shows strength and intensity of actions and situations
5) What is the ASC and where is the ruler placed = Approach to the issues
6) What aspects does Lilith receive = Ease or extra frustration depending on aspect
Lilith Return
It signifies a time of confrontation with your darker self, the secrets you keep, the side of your personality which is unseen to the outside world. Events or situations may occur in which you’re reminded of your own vulnerability or you’ll get exposed to that what aches, either as strong rebellion which leads to transformation or a painful eyeopener. She can bring profound confrontations with our self and another as she exposes the subconscious. We may not feel much like our self during her return as there is a high possibility of instinctive actions, there is something deeply primal about her.
If we don’t recognize the path we’re on, than Lilith is in fact guiding you towards figuring out the most raw version of you.
It’s a time of coming to face who you really are and what you’re capable of. She is the force of breaking free from any situation that represses us, damages us and most of all any circumstance where we feel greatly disrespected. When you’re in alignment with your own Lilith energy, than her return can be extremely empowering.
A common trait is ‘disappearing into thin air’ to vanish in thin air as a result of frustrations that have reached their limit.
The challenges we’re faced with during her return, will be greatly magnified and linked to what she embodies in the natal chart. That means the house placement in your natal chart is the area of testing. However a Lilith return is a big reset, an awakening to oneself, encouragement and the embrace of your own vulnerability.
It’s a time when we may forcefully want to speak up, empowered to speak our personal truth. A Lilith Return is likely to show s where we need to set healthy boundaries, to protect and respect our self but also to filter out the crap in our environment, or to break with unhealthy behavioral patterns.
It’s a beneficial time to practice self awareness, to care for yourself more, to dive deeper into the subconscious and to feel empowered by your own capacities. The setting of boundaries is a common theme, nonetheless one you should be thinking about especially if you’ve been enduring toxic circumstances. She is about standing our ground and being with our own truths.
She can awaken the inner witch in us, the one who has profound understanding that all and everything is connected, but that all actions will bear consequences. However often times Lilith will respond and act from a deeper knowing which we often only come to understand afterwards. That means we may do something out of rage, intuition, a strong gut feeling, but in fact it was our inner voice which we repressed for too long. It may feel lonely, but it’s within our own solitude that we come to see who we are. Silence is loud, listen to it.
For example, if an individual was born with Lilith in 10th house, it will show effects within the social status, career, work,…
If she was placed in the 6th house, events that have to do with health, routine, pets, hygiene,… will start to occur, such as catching a disease.
Personal example
I said i was going to write out of own experience.
She returned to her natal position on May 25th 2020. In my own birthchart : Lilith in 1st house & in Aries.
At the time of writing this, it’s only 1 month away from being exact conjunct, however she is conjunct already and does show off her effects. The following is what i believe to have been the effects of Lilith before she made it to her return.
What i have noticed around the time of her return
• Cutting people off
• Rebellious & frustrated about sexual matters
• Feeling lonely & misunderstood
• Wanting to disappear
• No patience (Lilith in Aries)
• Inflicting situations to save myself
• Attempting to escape from situations
The aspects in my birthchart
• Square to my Neptune-Uranus conjunction (in 11th)
• Opposing Juno
Short description of what this means :
Aspect with Uranus ”Don’t fuck with me because i will seek my freedom.’
Aspect with Neptune ”I suffer from the suppression of expression, i will escape”
Aspect with Juno ”Damn i didn’t see that one coming, you’re not what i thought you were”
Lilith Return chart example

This is the Lilith return chart before the one that started in 2020. Here i’ll analyze how Lilith has expressed herself in the past 9 years and if i can spot the themes in this chart. Just as in my birthchart, she was located in the Lilith return’s 1st house. An energy i’m familiar with. When a planet or point in a Return chart is located
in the same house as in the Natal chart,
It gives the planet more strength and highlights the main issues and themes of the natal chart. It acts as a manifesting power to the natal promise.
How to read the chart
1) House placement Lilith = Area of expression, frustration and challenge, where you’ll soul search
2) Aspects to Lilith = Influence in nature of events, how Lilith is triggered to blossom or cause more problems
3) Ascendant sign = How you approach the events, what part of the natal chart it triggers
4) Placement of ASC ruler = How you deal with the energy, the main area where you desire ‘power’
5) Conjunctions from Lilith return to Birthchart = Highlighted themes and affected traits, energy, issues,..
This chart + real life examples
Lilith in 1st house :
• Events of physical nature
Example = Sexual assault, STD’s, rebellious sexuality
Saturn opposite in 7th house :
• A karmic theme in which other people are involved, Karmic relationships.
Examples = Draining relationship, Sexual issues & blockades, Karmic encounters, Heavy and serious energy within sexual relationships
Pisces Ascendant :
• A confused and spiritual approach towards the events
Examples = Being empathic, self-blaming, suppressing, it turned me to spirituality more
ASC ruler in 12th house :
• Dealing with it on my own, silent processes
Examples = Isolation, escapism into spirituality, ending up in emergency due to mental & emotional suffering
With Lilith, there is always some sexual energy present. Mostly an unpleasant energy especially with hard aspects, such as in this return chart.
Any other relevant examples :
• Change of appearance (Uranus in 1st)
• Hidden wounds (Chiron 12th)
• Cheating (Mercury=7th opposite Neptune=1st)
What it comes down to
The chart really shows in which areas Lilith’s energy will express most likely.
It shows how you deal with it and where you further develop or focus more onto, which is shown by the ASC and it’s ruler. The aspects she receives explain the nature of the events and it’s purpose, such as the opposition of Saturn. It points out to karmic events and the fact that Lilith is in 1st house while Saturn is in 7th house, simply explains the highlighted area of where the events will occur (Physical & relationships).
Lilith is our inner Divine Feminine, the return chart shows how we grow and come up for ourselves in situations where we feel like our femininity is not being respected or heard. Wherever she is placed, is an area where you’re likely experience most frustration, but simultaneously it shows our opportunity to grow, it all depends on how we decide to take back power, in a constructive way, even though this might be difficult at times with heavy Lilith energy.
The weeks or months around her return hold a lot of key events to understanding our truest self, the deepest part of us, that wants to be free and heard. This period may have inclined intensity in the way you experience and perceive situations, what ever happens around that time, could show your most raw reaction onto challenging situations especially in love relationships.