Karma in Synastry & Birthchart
Karma can be seen through various things. however I’ll start with the Nodes of the Moon.
Any time a planet is conjunct to one of the Nodes of another person, a karmic linkage is indicated.
NN = Northnode – Attracting
SN = Southnode – Releasing
Male NN + Female Saturn | Negative for longterm relationships. It creates criticism & obstacles between the individuals. However it’s a good aspect for friends. |
Male Saturn + Female SN | Comes to end past life karma. This aspect creates less troubles in a relationship and is overally good in the Synastry of married couples. |
Male Mars + Female NN | Creates frustrations and is less beneficial for a love relationship. Good for doing projects together, teamwork since it creates a competitive energy and drive. |
Male Mars + Female SN | Shows lots of fights in the past to repair that anger. This is generally good for love relationships. |
Male Sun + Female NN | This aspect brings fascination & generosity. Good for longterm relationships. |
Male SN + Female Sun | Also brings fascination between two people but might cause frustrations due to the Sun being a masculine planet. Not beneficial for longterm love relationships. |
Male Sun + Female SN | Negative for love relationships. The male loses his masculinity and may result in lowered self-esteem for him. There is a strong connection of him being your pastlife husband or an authority figure. |
Male SN + Female Sun | This is a more positive connection since it may lower the masculine energy the female may carry with her. |
Male NN + Female Moon | A very positive aspect. Loving & nurturing. It gives feminine qualities to the relationship and the male respects her feelings. |
Male SN + Female Moon | An indication of one being the mother or wife in a pastlife. But this aspect is negative for longterm love relationships. The feelings are familiar and comforting between you both. |
Male Moon + Female NN | If the Moon is waxing than this is a positive aspect. If the Moon is waning than this is a negative aspect. |
Male Moon + Female SN | If the Moon is waning than this is a positive aspect. Increase of sensibility If the Moon is waxing than this is a negative aspect. Loss of sensibility |
Male Venus + Female NN | Karmic romance. Needs to learn how to love in a balanced way. increase of harmony. |
Male NN + Female Venus | Brings harmony, sensuality & pleasure in the relationship. Positive for Love. |
Male Venus + Female SN | Indication of pastlife spouse. Love & sex are strong in the beginning but it may fade over time. |
Male Mercury + Female NN | Brings enjoyment, great understanding, friendship, fun & learning. |
Male Mercury + Female SN | Shows you have common interests but this fades over time. Indication of pastlife siblings or neighbors. Excitement fades. Not beneficial for longterm love relationships. |
Male Jupiter + Female NN | Brings happiness, children & learning. Positive for love relationships. |
Male Jupiter + Female SN | Lessens the prosperity in the relationship. Less beneficial. |
Male ASC + Female NN | A positive aspect which shows the relationship to have a lasting quality to it. |
Male ASC + Female SN | A strong connection at first but it may fade over time. Relating less to the ASC person as they grow. |

Attraction of Difficult Relationships
Shown by the planets or points located in the same house in the birthchart.
Located in the same house or sign :
Sun + SN, NN, Saturn = Karmic load, difficulties with self-esteem
Moon + SN, NN, Saturn = Unhealthy patterns, addictions, needs are hard to meet
Venus + Saturn = Starved feelings of affection
Venus + NN = Many relationships because you need to learn how to love
Venus + Mars = Arguments, drama & lose objectivity
Sun or Moon Through the houses :
6th house : Arguments, individual allows to be degraded
8th house : Drama, brings sudden changes & difficult experiences
12th house : Loss, distance & low self-esteem
Sun & Moon in the same house or sign :
Makes the individual more emotionally agitated, less flexible
Moon in Scorpio : Creates turbulence in relationships
Sun in Libra : Sense of self-respect may be weak
Sun conjunct Venus : giving more than receiving, relationship problems
Venus opposite/square Pluto : Dominating partner or relationship, obsessive, fear to open up
North or Southnode in 7th : Imbalanced relationship or the absence of one. doing it wrong
Venus in 6th : Arguments, unequality, imbalance in lovelife
Venus in 8th : Creates changes & drama in relationships
Venus in Virgo : To critical or attract love of that nature
Saturn in Angular houses = Creates loneliness & insecurities
Attracting difficult relationships :
• 6th ruler in 7th
• 7th ruler in 6th
• 8th ruler in 7th
• 7th ruler in 8th
• 12th ruler in 7
• 7th ruler in 12th